Wreath Watercolour Painting Class

2 hours Watercolour Painting Class 

Relaxation, mindfulness and natural beauty

This class is suitable for beginners.

Under the instructor guidance, you can experience basic watercolour skills, learn painting technics, and complete it in 2 hours.

The class would provide high-quality watercolour pigments, brushes and watercolour paper and you can take home all that you have created.

Let’s take a relaxing journey and have the “Art piece” for yourself, your families or your friends as a gift! Just fill in the form and start to enrol!

Fee: £15 per guest

Language : English 

After filling in the form, 
we will notify you via Whatsapp or text message for confirmation. 

Address : 
Courtyard at Jamyang London Buddhist Center 43 Renfrew Road London SE11 4NA

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